The reform of mental health services in Chile: 1991-2015

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Alberto Minoletti, « The reform of mental health services in Chile: 1991-2015 », L'information psychiatrique, ID : 10670/1.5m4fzm


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The mental health reform in Chile has been implemented with the support of two national mental health plans, the leadership of national and local teams in the Ministry of Health and the 29 health districts, and an increasing allocation of health budget to community mental health services. The reform has been successful in terms of downsizing mental hospitals and increasing availability, decentralization and accessibility of outpatient services, contributing to meeting the mental health needs of the population. Despite this progress, there are still significant gaps in the treated prevalence, quality of care, respect for the rights of service users, as well as geographic inequities regarding development of community services, accessibility and human resources for mental health. One of the most important challenges for the future of the reform is reinforcing the community approach of mental health care teams and implementing specific community interventions to promote greater social inclusion.

La reforma se puso en marcha con el apoyo de dos planes nacionales, el liderazgo del equipo en el ministerio de sanidad y 29 distritos de salud, aumentando el presupuesto para los servicios de salud mental comunitarios. Los hospitales psiquiátricos se han reducido y han crecido la disponibilidad, la descentralización y la accesibilidad de los servicios ambulatorios. Sigue habiendo brechas en la prevalencia tratada, la calidad de la atención, y el respeto a los derechos de los usuarios observándose disparidades en la puesta en marcha de la reforma entre los 29 distritos sanitarios. Uno de los retos más importantes para el futuro de la reforma es reforzar el enfoque comunitario de los equipos de salud mental.

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