No Borders : Immigration and the Politics of Fear: 39th Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control

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It is often asserted that neoliberal globalisation has had the liberating effect of breaking down traditional borders as barriers to free trade are swept away. Yet, in practice, recent decades have seen the erection of a host of new boundaries and the reinforcement of old ones. Boundaries continue to be a salient feature of the contemporary political, geographical and social landscape. National and extra-national boundaries have been reinforced, particularly in the European security state and beyond as ever-stricter immigration controls are adopted. Through an analysis of immigration policies in Europe, the United States and Australia, this book aims to challenge both the physical and metaphorical borders that divide citizens from migrants, "bogus" asylum-seekers from the "genuine", "legal" problematic in itself, this collection instead regards barriers to immigration as problematic to the extent that they contribute to the marginalisation, criminalisation and even death of those who seek to make a better life for themselves in another country and tend to obfuscate the cultural, social and economic benefits which migration might bring to host countries. TABLE OF CONTENTS : -*- Foreword : The European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control / David Scott ; -**- Introduction / Emma Bell ; -1- The New Frontiers of Immigration Policy / Emmanuel Blanchard, Olivier Clochard, Claire Rodier ; -2- An Examination of the Effects of Contradictions in Globalisation on Europe's Migration Laws / Agata Kaczmarek-Firth ; -3- Policing and the Rule of Law : a Critique of the French deportation of unauthorised immigrants / Nicolas Fischer ; -4- Migration and Detention : Changes in Italian legislation / Simone Santorso ; -5- Do Immigration Policies Work? The Case of Italy / Stefania Crocitti ; -6- The "Chinese Deviant" : Building the Perfect Enemy in a Local Arena / Fabio Bracci ; -7- "Buongiorno, documenti". Police Identity Checks in Italy : Stories from migrants and local police officers / Giulia Fabini ; -8- Latinos by Nationality and Illegal by Ethnicity : Otherness and the Condition of Fear in the U.S. / Carlos Parra ; -9- Re-bordering Social Space in Arizona's War on the Immigrant 'Other' / Raymond Michalowski ; -10- Monsters on the borderscape of detention : some Australian print media depictions of residents of Woomera village and asylum seekers in immigration detention / Ron Hoenig.

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