Die rei vindicatio im klassischen römischen Recht - ein Überblick

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1 janvier 2014

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Gianni Santucci, « Die rei vindicatio im klassischen römischen Recht - ein Überblick », Fundamina, ID : 10670/1.5ph1tt


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This article deals with the judicial protection of ownership in Roman law. The focus is on the basic elements of the rei vindicatio per formulam petitoriam. First of all, the general structure of the formula is explained, in particular the character of the formula (abstract or causal?), the intentio of the plaintiff with the functions of arbitratus de restituendo and of iusiurandum in litem, and the exceptiones which are at the defendant's disposal. Then, the article briefly examines the plaintiff's burden of proof (medieval lawyers described this as probatio diabolica) and the different positions of the plaintiff when he takes the actio Publiciana. In the last part of the article the different positions of the defendant depending on whether or not he is possessor of the vindicated object at the time of litis contestatio are described. In closing, the effects of condemnatio pecuniaria and the concurrence of the rei vindicatio with other actions are analysed.

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