Perceptions of Tech-Augmented Learning in Basic Mathematics among University Students: A Case of Matrix Algebra Tools

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Abel Okoh Agbo-Egwu et al., « Perceptions of Tech-Augmented Learning in Basic Mathematics among University Students: A Case of Matrix Algebra Tools », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.5pys4n


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This study adopted Survey research design.The Tech-Augmented Learning Questionnaire (TALQ) was used as the instrument for data collection from sixty (60) first-year students enrolled on the course at a Federal University in North Central Nigeria. The results of the study indicate a high positive perception of the technology augmentation with an overall mean of 4.19, which was reasonably above the TALQ metric benchmark of 3.0. The students expressed that they liked the tech-augmented learning activities, felt a high sense of satisfaction and achievement, and had a high expectation for their personal academic performance as a result of the tech-augmented learning activities. The students accepted that the approach used in the course improved their computational skills and allowed them to work at their own speed to achieve learning objectives. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that classroom instruction should be planned around available technological tools to enrich students learning experience, particularly in Mathematics education.

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