Limits and development of Marx's concept of society and the terminological inheritance from Hegel

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Pulgar Pablo Moya et al., « Limits and development of Marx's concept of society and the terminological inheritance from Hegel », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - notices sans texte intégral, ID : 10670/1.61357a...


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One of the most conflictive concepts of the Marxian terminology is perhaps the one of society (Gesellschaft), which, in our opinion, is directly tied up with the evolution of the Marx's thinking about methodological outlines. In the next pages we show the genealogical evolution of the concept of society -and its inheritance from the speculative Hegelian thinking-through the different theoretical periods, that include, on the one hand the idea of a young Marx about society as concretization of a corrected Hegelianism and identified with the new philosophical practice, which is in need of development of the modern world, on the other, a society comprehended as last general concept to describe of any methodological procedure of capital's essence, localizated on the categorical structure as closure of any precedent determination.

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