Disputes for blue gold: water governance and public health Disputas por el oro azul: gobernanza hídrica y salud pública En Es

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1 septembre 2019

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Franklin A. Canaza-Choque et al., « Disputes for blue gold: water governance and public health », HAL-SHS : sciences politiques, ID : 10.15446/rsap.v21n5.79646


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The purpose of the present is to reflect on the capitalization of one of the basic and indispensable elements for life on the planet: water, vital resource where it has concentrated , in short, all the configurator character of society, and that in the last case, it has become the sense and the reason for survival of the population against mechanics strongly associated with capital. This Last idea is important, because theoretically it allows to deploy a deep structural nexus between society and water. Following this dynamic, a last variable of analysis lies in the water governance and its main restrictive in a framework of global atmospheric dynamics that traverse it, and that ultimately, they shake the human rights and the public health. That way, to seek a water governance that deepens the nexus and the multiple integration between society, company, State and nature in the management of waters on a basis of principles and techniques that generate public policies mediated by a complete participation of the different actors that involve it, as well as the articulation in the different organisational contexts they legiti-mize the water as a shared resource, and that this, it must be defended as a common good for all, it remains a challenge at different levels of government.

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