Individual risk factors for Plasmodium vivax infection in the residual malaria transmission focus of Oaxaca, Mexico

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Salud Pública de México

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Lilia González-Cerón et al., « Individual risk factors for Plasmodium vivax infection in the residual malaria transmission focus of Oaxaca, Mexico », Salud Pública de México, ID : 10670/1.65cas6


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"Objective. To identify individual risk factors for malariainfection of inhabitants in the residual transmission focus onthe Pacific coast of Oaxaca, Mexico. Materials and Methods.A population-based, matched case-control study wasconducted from January 2002 to July 2003 comparing thefrequency of exposure to individual risk factors in subjectspresenting clinical malaria and uninfected controls. A malariacase was defined as an individual living in the study areapresenting malaria symptoms and a Plasmodium vivax-positivethick blood smear; controls were individuals negative to P.vivax parasites and antibodies of the same gender and with± five years as the case. A standardized questionnaire wasused to record information about the individual risk factorsassociated with malaria episodes in cases and two controlsfor each case. Results. In a multiple conditional logisticregression model analysis of data from 119 cases and 238controls, 18 out of 99 variables were significantly associated(p< 0.05) with increased risk of malaria, including: being bornin another locality (RM 3.16, 95% IC 1.16-6.13); speaking onlyan autochthonous language (RM= 2.48, 95% IC 1.19-3.77);having poor knowledge about malaria (RM= 2.26 95% IC1.10-4.66 P< 0.02); the amount of vegetation around thehouse (RM= 20.43, 95% IC 5.98-70.87, P< 0.000; RM= 3.78,95% IC 1.21-11.80, for 60-100% and 30-59%, respectively); living in houses constructed with perishable materials (RM=2.85, 95% IC 1.62-5.01); living on the periphery of the town(RM= 6.23, 95% IC 3.50-11.0); sleeping on a dirt floor (RM=2.98, 95% IC 1.78-5.01) or with two or more people in the samebed (RM= 1.85, 95% CI 1.09-3.14); not using bed nets (RM=2.39, 95% IC 1.18-4.83, P< 0.003) or using bed nets with holes(RM= 13.93, 95 IC 2.48-78.01); traveling outside of the village(RM= 9.16, 95% IC 1.98-42.2); and previous malaria casesin the house (RM= 5.84, 95% IC 3.33-10.22). Conclusions.Risk of malaria infection was associated with socio-culturaland environmental factors exposing individuals to mosquitobites. A higher risk of malaria infection occurred outside thelocality and by intradomiciliar transmission probably as aresult of relapsing asymptomatic relatives."

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