Mohamed Reda Khomsi et al., « Creative tourism in the face of local specificities: The case of Montreal and Marrakesh », Marché et organisations, ID : 10670/1.66957f...
In a context where tourists are looking for alternative forms of experiences that are more authentic and closer to the vernacular characteristics of the area, creative tourism seems to be a preferred option given the significant number of destinations classed as creative since the early 2000s. However, the concept of a creative tourism destination remains unclear and refers to very diverse realities. The present article therefore explores this concept based on research on the creative city by highlighting the role of players in the construction of a creative city/destination project. To do so, we compare two destinations that are a priori very different, Montreal and Marrakesh. The results show that, despite the very specific contexts of each of the two destinations, underground players are often the instigators of creative activities, while those of the middleground and upperground mainly play the role of facilitators and promoters of these activities.