15 mars 2024
Judith Hardt, « Climate Security and the EuropeanUnion: Concept, Challenges, andRecommendations », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.6bf158...
This article explores the ways in which the European Union (EU) has approached the convergence of climate change and security. Climate security policy has especially gained more traction since 2021. In 2022 the EU member states adopted the Climate Change and Defence Roadmap and the Strategic Compass for Security and Defence. In 2023, joint initiatives from the EU, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the United States underlined the relevance of climate insecurity, committing to further initiatives in this area. The article focuses on the evolution of climate security policy, particularly as the EU has had to juggle concurrent crises such as climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the last few years. First, this article describes the core pillars of the EU’s approach to climate security. Second, it examines the core concerns of this approach in the context of the EU’s climate security concept. Third, it describes the challenges and formulates recommendations. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2024/mdn-dnd/D12-8-24-1-eng.pdf