Sentiment d’auto-efficacité vocationnelle et engagement organisationnel lors de transitions professionnelles

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Nathalie Prudhomme et al., « Sentiment d’auto-efficacité vocationnelle et engagement organisationnel lors de transitions professionnelles », Le travail humain, ID : 10670/1.6cvi4d


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Cette recherche vise à explorer les liens entre les sentiments d’auto-efficacité vocationnelle et les relations que des salariés engagés dans une transition professionnelle, entretiennent avec leur emploi et leur entreprise. Menée sur un échantillon de 169 salariés engagés dans une transition de carrière, elle s’inscrit dans le cadre du modèle intégratif de l’engagement proposé par Meyer, Gagné et Parfyonova (2010), et mobilise la théorie de l’autodétermination et le modèle en trois composantes de l’engagement organisationnel ainsi que le stress perçu au travail. Les résultats vont dans le sens de plusieurs prédictions théoriques et confirment partiellement nos hypothèses : plusieurs profils motivationnels, qualitativement et quantitativement distincts, ont pu être identifiés ; différents patterns d’engagement organisationnel, niveaux de stress perçus et patterns d’auto-efficacité vocationnels ont également été mis au jour. La discussion porte sur les combinaisons et interactions entre les composantes du modèle intégratif de l’engagement et le stress perçu en tant que contextes psychologiques ayant des conséquences variables sur les sentiments d’auto-efficacité vocationnelle de salariés en transition de carrière. Des perspectives de recherche sont proposées.

This research aims to explore the relationship between vocational self-efficacy and relationships employees have with their job and their organization during career transition. Referring to the general model of commitment proposed by Meyer, Gagné and Parfyonova (2010) based on self-determination theory and the three-component model of commitment, and perceived stress, the study included 169 french employees engaged in a career transition. Using a person-centered approach to identify different motivational profiles, results partially confirm several theoretical predictions and assumptions: different commitment profiles, stress level and vocational self-efficacy patterns were found. The autonomous motivational profile was affective/continuance-dominant committed and had the lowest perceived stress level; this group had high level of vocational self-efficacy. More surprising is the low motivational profile, which was continuance-dominant committed and had the highest perceived stress level: this group also had high level of vocational self-efficacy. The last motivational profile had moderate level of motivation for all forms of regulation, the same commitment profile as the autonomous motivational profile and an intermediate score of perceived stress but the lowest scores of vocational self-efficacy. Results seem to point at the notion that different combinations and interactions between components of the general model of commitment and perceived stress could lead to different engagements for how one particular component is experienced. Specifically, continuance commitment associated with affective commitment and moderate autonomous motivation could drain employees’ energy and constrain their vocational self-efficacy because of the very nature of their relationship with their job and their company. On the other hand, a high level of perceived stress could be a powerful cue of the importance of striving for career transition goal and when associated with low controlled motivation but greater than autonomous one and continuance-dominant commitment, it could foster vocational self-efficacy.

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