National interest and Continental balance of Power.: Consular and diplomatic relations between the Empire of Brazil and the Republic of New Grenada, 1831-1854, 2024 Interés nacional y equilibrio continental.: Las relaciones consulares y diplomáticas entre el Imperio del Brasil y la República de la Nueva Granada, 1831-1854, 2024 En Es

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1 janvier 2024


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Daniel Emilio Rojas, « National interest and Continental balance of Power.: Consular and diplomatic relations between the Empire of Brazil and the Republic of New Grenada, 1831-1854, 2024 », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.6i7fiw


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The purpose of this chapter is to study the relations between the Republic of New Granada and the Brazilian Empire between 1831 and 1854. The first part, "Objectives and strategies of New Grenadian and Brazilian foreign policy", summarizes the goals pursued by both countries between 1831 and 1854 and describes the means they used to achieve them. The second, which studies the role of the neo-Granadian and Brazilian consular networks in the articulation of foreign policy and the dissemination of the national image, is entitled "Consular services: trade and the international image of the nation". The third, "Territorial Ambitions and Balance of Power", describes the international policy strategies conceived and executed by the neo-Granadian and Brazilian elites to acquire and defend the Amazonian territories and rivers. Ecuador and Peru, as will be underlined in due course, played a leading role in the relations between New Granada and Brazil. "A Negotiation Strategy of the Colombian States", fourth and final part, examines the alliance project between Venezuela, Ecuador and New Granada to jointly negotiate their borders with Brazil. The alliance not only marked the beginning of a new moment in relations between New Granada and Brazil, but also proved that Iberian imperial traditions were combined with the defense of national interests in the South American international space.

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