Monitoring the Economy in Real Time: Trends and Gaps in Real Activity and Prices

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14 février 2022

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Sciences Po

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Thomas Hasenzagl et al., « Monitoring the Economy in Real Time: Trends and Gaps in Real Activity and Prices », Archive ouverte de Sciences Po (SPIRE), ID : 10670/1.6iu85d


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A mixed-frequency semi-structural model is used for estimating unobservable quantities such as the output gap, the Phillips curve and the NAIRU in real time. We consider two specifications for the US: in one the output gap is observed as the official CBO measure, in the other is unobserved and derived via minimal theory-based restrictions. We find that the CBO model implies a smoother trend output but the second model better capturesthe business cycle dynamics of nominal and real variables. The methodology offers both a framework for evaluating official estimates of unobserved quantities of economic interest and for tracking them in real time.

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