An assessment of the management skills required of ministers in the Reformed Churches of South Africa

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1 janvier 2008

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A.B. Grobler et al., « An assessment of the management skills required of ministers in the Reformed Churches of South Africa », In die Skriflig, ID : 10670/1.6ixmk8


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A congregation is not a business, and to manage it as such would be inappropriate. Although the church is primarily invisible and spiritual by nature, in this world it is functioning as an institution which must be managed efficiently and effectively to ensure that everything is done successfully and in good order. A major part of the responsibility to ensure order and effectiveness rests on the shoulders of the minister. The training of aspiring ministers in the Reformed Churches of South Africa does not involve specific training in managing and leading an organisation. This fact might leave them vulnerable, especially in the earlier stages of their careers. Although some people are blessed with natural skills and talents regarding management and leadership, it has been proven that management skills required to manage an organisation successfully can be acquired by means of study and training. An empirical study was performed to determine whether training in management could assist ministers in the execution of their calling. A questionnaire was sent to all the ministers of the Reformed Churches of South Africa regarding the scope of circumstances in a congregation which can be compared with other organisations, as well as the minister's role in managing the situations. The research concludes with a recommendation that consideration should be given to include a course on management in the training syllabus of aspiring ministers. Furthermore, it is suggested that this course be developed specifically taking into account the background and circumstances of the Reformed Churches of South Africa, and should not be generic like the course which is included for Baccalaureus Commercii or Masters of Business Administration (MBA) students.

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