Itinéraire d’un enfant du xix e  siècle : Charles Tissot (1828-1884), diplomate et archéologue

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L’étude du parcours personnel de Charles Tissot s’insère dans le renouveau des biographies en histoire des relations internationales. Sa trajectoire est intéressante dans la mesure où sa carrière exhaustive au service du Quai d’Orsay se double d’une intense activité de recherche archéologique, reconnue et louée, pour son plus grand plaisir, par ses pairs. Outre ses rapports officiels et ses publications scientifiques, Charles Tissot a entretenu une abondante correspondance familiale et amicale qu’il a léguée à l’archéologue Salomon Reinach. Ses papiers personnels nous permettent dès lors d’aller au-delà de l’étude linéaire de son parcours et de se pencher sur la culture et les pratiques d’un savant et diplomate, avant tout enfant de son siècle.

The Itinerary of a Nineteenth-Century Man: the Diplomat and Archaeologist Charles Tissot (1828-1884) Writing on the life of Charles Tissot fits into the revival of biographies in the history of international relations. His professional activities followed two different paths. As a diplomat, he served the French ministry of Foreign Affairs during his whole career. But he was also well known by his contemporaries as an archaeologist. In addition to his official reports and scientific publications, Charles Tissot wrote many letters to his family and friends which he bequeathed to the French archaeologist Salomon Reinach. His personal papers allow us to go beyond a classic study of his life. It gives us the chance to better understand the culture and the practices of a diplomat and scholar, who was first and foremost a man of the nineteenth century.

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