Modeling of atrial fibrillation

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29 avril 2024

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Nathalie Virag et al., « Modeling of atrial fibrillation », Papyrus : le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal, ID : 10.1002/9781118481585.ch14


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Computer modeling of atrial fibrillation (AF) is considered today as a potentially effective tool for better understanding AF mechanisms and for the development of therapeutic options. Computer models are based on an integrative approach, from the molecule to the patient, incorporating data about cell electrophysiology, cell-to-cell coupling and atrial anatomy. The link to clinical experiments is provided by the computation of endocardial electrograms or surface electrocardiograms (ECG). In this chapter we describe how modeling can be used to study different forms of AF and to evaluate therapies such as antiarrhythmic drugs, ablation and antitachycardia pacing. The ultimate goal is the development of patient-specific models in order to test AF therapies in the model before applying it to the patient.

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