Ce document est lié à :
Luc Baumstark et al., « Cost–Benefit Assessment of Public Investments in France: The Use of Counter-Experts », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10.1017/bca.2020.30
Socioeconomic evaluation of a public investment helps to understand its value for the community, and it also improves an investment by analyzing its different components, and the risks inherent in its completion. The Act of 31 December 2012 about Public Finance Planning makes it mandatory in France for project sponsors to conduct an ex-ante socioeconomic evaluation of all public civil investments made by the State and its public institutions. An independent counter-expert assessment of the ex-ante socioeconomic evaluation is conducted for the largest projects. A permanent committee of experts has been established to specify the methodological rules for socioeconomic evaluation and define the studies and research necessary.