David Jones. — An Early Witness to the Nature of the Canonical Order in the Twelfth Century : A Study in the Life and Writings of Adam Scot, with Particular Reference to his Understanding of the Rule of St Augustine. Rome, Institut für Anglistik u. Amerikanistik, 1999 (Analecta cartusiana, 151)

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Ursula Vones-Liebenstein, « David Jones. — An Early Witness to the Nature of the Canonical Order in the Twelfth Century : A Study in the Life and Writings of Adam Scot, with Particular Reference to his Understanding of the Rule of St Augustine. Rome, Institut für Anglistik u. Amerikanistik, 1999 (Analecta cartusiana, 151) », Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, ID : 10670/1.7333vy


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Vones-Liebenstein Ursula. David Jones. — An Early Witness to the Nature of the Canonical Order in the Twelfth Century : A Study in the Life and Writings of Adam Scot, with Particular Reference to his Understanding of the Rule of St Augustine. Rome, Institut für Anglistik u. Amerikanistik, 1999 (Analecta cartusiana, 151). In: Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 45e année (n°180), Octobre-décembre 2002. pp. 379-380.

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