Intérêt des faibles doses de rt-PA dans les syndromes inflammatoires et hémorragiques du segment antérieur: étude clinique et revue de la littérature [Treatment of anterior segment fibrinous reactions and hemorrhage with intracameral low dose rt-PA: clinical study and review of the literature].

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J.F. Le Rouic et al., « Intérêt des faibles doses de rt-PA dans les syndromes inflammatoires et hémorragiques du segment antérieur: étude clinique et revue de la littérature [Treatment of anterior segment fibrinous reactions and hemorrhage with intracameral low dose rt-PA: clinical study and review of the literature]. », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10670/1.735mm9


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PURPOSE: to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of low dose intraocular tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) in the treatment of traumatic hyphema and postoperative fibrinous membrane. METHODS: Six microg to 10 microg of rt-PA was injected into the anterior chamber to treat severe fibrinous postoperative membranes and total traumatic hyphemae. RESULTS: Thirteen eyes of 13 patients were treated. Four cases of traumatic hyphema and 9 cases of fibrinous membranes were included. Complete fibrinolysis within 24 hours was observed in 4 cases (30.8%). A partial success was noted in 7 eyes (53.8%). No beneficial effect was observed in two cases of traumatic hyphema associated with intravitreal hemorrhage after penetrating trauma. No side effect attributable to rt-PA occurred. CONCLUSION: Low dose intraocular rt-PA appears to be safe and effective in the treatment of postoperative fibrinous membrane and endocular hemorrhage limited to the anterior chamber.

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