A New Research area for Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: Online Language and Cultural Exchange 华语网络教学的新研究领域:网络语言文化交换 En Zh

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12 juillet 2013

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Jue Wang-Szilas, « A New Research area for Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language: Online Language and Cultural Exchange », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.7bipcp


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The impact of the globalization put the development of multilingual and multicultural competences (CEFR) in the core position of language education. More and more language practitioners adopted Online Language and Cultural Exchange activities via a combination of different media to foster language learners’ linguistic and intercultural proficiency, as well as learner autonomy (Little et Brammerts, 1996). The article gives a literature review of this pedagogical practice (O’Rouke, 2006) and examines some typical “eTandem language exchange” and “Telecollaboration” projects. The potentials that the Online Language and Cultural Exchange projects can bring to online Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language are profoundly discussed.


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