Sarah Mekdjian et al., « Bureau des dépositions : Deportations, œuvres-milieux, and legal activism », Multitudes, ID : 10670/1.7c9e8e...
Ten people, who make up the Bureau des dépositions, have been creating performances in Grenoble since 2018. By speaking to each other and to an audience, by rearranging the (im)possibilities of speaking, with the exposure of legally produced injustices, they explore the conditions of linguistic, sensible, and political transformations. At the same time, several performers have been legally expelled or are being threatened with expulsion, due to their status as foreigners or asylum seekers. A response is being organized in court: while the performances require the physical co-presence of all co-authors, forced absences undermine what we call a creative milieu. Copyright and intellectual property rights are here summoned and reinterpreted in the context of legal expulsions and œuvres-milieux.