Faculty knowledge of teaching in inquiry-based learning mathematics

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4 février 2015

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Vilma Mesa et al., « Faculty knowledge of teaching in inquiry-based learning mathematics », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.7dpqj7


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In the context of using Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) for teaching, 74 instructors teaching a wide range of university mathematics courses and with different levels of familiarity with IBL filled out bi-weekly logs about the challenges they faced and the solutions they found. The analysis of pairs of concerns and solutions expressed over the three-year study reveals that faculty may be drawing from different domains of teacher knowledge for teaching to solve concerns teaching with IBL. Level of familiarity with IBL did not seem to play a role in the types of solutions proposed, except when faculty reported not having a solution. We conjecture that the method may induce faculty’s pedagogical awareness, independently of how experienced they are with teaching university mathematics.

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