Access to health care as a human right in international policy: critical reflections and contemporary challenges

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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva

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Camilo Hernán Manchola Castillo et al., « Access to health care as a human right in international policy: critical reflections and contemporary challenges », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.7hqqoc


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"Using the United Nations (UN) and its subordinate body, the World Health Organization (WHO), as a frame of reference, this article ex - plores access to healthcare as a human right in in - ternational intergovernmental policies. First, we look at how the theme of health is treated within the UN, focusing on the concept of global health. We then discuss the concept of global health from a human rights perspective and go on to outline the debate surrounding universal coverage ver - sus universal access as a human right, addressing some important ethical questions. Thereafter, we discuss universal coverage versus universal ac - cess using the critical and constructivist theories of international relations as a frame of reference. Finally, it is concluded that, faced with the per - sistence of huge global health inequalities, the WHO began to reshape itself, leaving behind the notion of health as a human right and imposing the challenge of reducing the wide gap that sepa - rates international intergovernmental laws from reality."

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