Les monstres cachés de La Tène moyenne dans le Bassin des Carpathes

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Armelle Duceppe-Lamarre, « Les monstres cachés de La Tène moyenne dans le Bassin des Carpathes », Supplément à la Revue archéologique du centre de la France, ID : 10670/1.7jv60y


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The hidden Middle La Tène monsters of the Carpathian basin. The repertory of monsters in Early La Tène art is rich and diverse. In the succeeding, Middle La Tène phase, much of this range simply disappears. In spite of that, however, some themes survive, such as that of the zoomorphic lyre. Archaeological finds from the Carpathian basin allow the study of those elements which endure from the earlier phase on the one hand, and on the other enable the recognition of a new approach to imagery, in which the world of fantastic imagery is not excluded.

The hidden Middle La Tène monsters of the Carpathian basin. The repertory of monsters in Early La Tène art is rich and diverse. In the succeeding, Middle La Tène phase, much of this range simply disappears. In spite of that, however, some themes survive, such as that of the zoomorphic lyre. Archaeological finds from the Carpathian basin allow the study of those elements which endure from the earlier phase on the one hand, and on the other enable the recognition of a new approach to imagery, in which the world of fantastic imagery is not excluded.

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