Mathematical creativity or general creativity?

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4 février 2015

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Creativity Creativeness

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Maria Kattou et al., « Mathematical creativity or general creativity? », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.7kckf1


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The present study aims to investigate whether creativity is domain general or domain specific, by relating stu-dents' performance on two tests: the Creative Thinking Test and the Mathematical Creativity Test. Four hundred and seventy six students (Grades 4–6) participated in the study. Through confirmatory factor analysis we purported to compare the fitness of two a-priori theoretical models, representing creativity either as domain general or domain specific. Correlation and crosstabs analysis were also conducted in order to examine whether the data obtained from the two creativity instruments were related and/or were in agreement, respectively. Data analysis converged that creativity is domain specific.

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