The Agenda of Simon Sekone Maimela as Student Political Activist in the Black Consciousness Context at Umphumulo Lutheran Theological College

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1 janvier 2022

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Kenokeno Mashabela, « The Agenda of Simon Sekone Maimela as Student Political Activist in the Black Consciousness Context at Umphumulo Lutheran Theological College », Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, ID : 10670/1.7u50nh


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In this article, the early days of Simon Sekone Maimela as a theological student at Umphumulo Lutheran Theological College are unpacked. He was one of the Lutheran theological students who actively established the Black Consciousness Movement at this college. He was also involved in the South African Student Organisation and other civil organisations. During his theological college days, it was not an easy task to establish this type of movement or to be involved in any civil organisation that was resisted by most White teaching staff and under apartheid in South Africa. Maimela connected his Christian faith with a life of socio-political justice. His contribution in the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, particularly to the issue of pastors' working conditions and salaries, is also described in this article. Another vital discussion is how Maimela introduced feminist theology lessons at the University of South Africa in 1981. Archives such as letters, minutes and reports of and about Maimela were used to compile this article. Interviews with Maimela and with his church and teaching colleagues were also conducted.

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