Wim J.C. Weren, studies in Matthew's Gospel: Literary design, intertextuality, and social setting

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1 janvier 2015

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Dirk van der Merwe, « Wim J.C. Weren, studies in Matthew's Gospel: Literary design, intertextuality, and social setting », HTS Theological Studies, ID : 10670/1.7u97rt


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This article summarises and comments on the book Studies in Matthew's Gospel: Literary design, intertextuality, and social setting, by Wim Weren, published during 2014. The essence of this book is all about meaning: the meaning of a structure, texts, and consequently the understanding of the Gospel of Matthew. For Weren, 'Meaning is the result of the interplay between a textual unit and such other factors as language, literary context, and cultural setting'. This relates to the three parts of the content of this monograph. His approach in studying Matthew comes from three perspectives: firstly intratextuality, then intertextuality, and finally extratextuality. He has deliberately chosen this order of successive steps so that they complement each other.

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