Ipostaze discursive în ghidurile turistice despre România. Perspectivă evolutivă asupra mutaţiilor formale şi de conţinut

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28 juin 2019

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Ioana Daniela Balauta, « Ipostaze discursive în ghidurile turistice despre România. Perspectivă evolutivă asupra mutaţiilor formale şi de conţinut », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.89wqrf


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In this article, we propose the evolutionary approach of the tourist guides about Romania, both from the Romanian space and the French one, in order to reveal the formal and content mutations. The discourse of the tourist guide is first of all descriptive-informative, but it also has appreciating and formative valences and induces the reader-traveler some socio-cultural representations corresponding to the age in which it is written. Socio-historical mutations are also reflected in the discourse of tourist guides, which becomes the mirror of these mutations encoded in speech at the time of enunciation. Revealing in this respect is our observation regarding the communist period of the Romanian history, when the discourse of the tourist guides was subject to ideological constraints imposing the circumvention of certain references representing taboo themes of the period: royalty, religious symbols, Saxon heritage in Transylvania, etc. An analysis of the discourse in the tourist guides, both from an evolutionary perspective and from a synchronous perspective, is a perceptible way of also surprising the formal changes that have taken place in this type of discourse.

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