Unreleased Plosive Consonants in Thai: an Acoustic Study Consonnes plosives non relâchées du thaï : une étude acoustique En Fr

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7 août 2023

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Paula Alejandra Cano Córdoba et al., « Consonnes plosives non relâchées du thaï : une étude acoustique », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.8dq2t6


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Stops are consonants usually produced with an audible noise generated by the sudden release of the complete closure of the vocal tract. However, published studies have reported that in Thai, syllablefinal unvoiced stops are frequently produced without an audible release. Our aim is to provide acoustic details of such consonantal productions. By analysing acoustic data from 10 native Thai speakers and by focusing on vowel-consonant transitions, we propose a set of acoustic cues on which listeners might rely on to discriminate and categorize the unreleased stop allophones. Our study also investigates whether acoustic properties of non-released stops differ depending on whether they are at the end of monosyllables or at the end of the penult syllable of disyllabic compounds (end-of-word coda vs wordinternal syllable coda). Our findings show consistent differences in stop durations, formant transitions, and intensity curves according to place of articulation, within-word position and speaker gender.

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