The Architectural, Urban, and Landscape Influence of Tapiolaand its Designer Heikki von Hertzen on American New Towns:The Cases of Columbia (Md) and Reston (Va). L'influence architecturale, urbaine et paysagère de Tapiola et de son concepteur Heikki von Hertzen sur les villes nouvelles américaines : Les cas d'En Columbia (Md) et de Reston (Va). En Fr

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28 juillet 2024

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Loup-Marie Calosci, « L'influence architecturale, urbaine et paysagère de Tapiola et de son concepteur Heikki von Hertzen sur les villes nouvelles américaines : Les cas d'En Columbia (Md) et de Reston (Va). », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.8ehtxh


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This proposal seeks to delve into the urban and architectural influences stemming from the transatlantic relations between the United States and Finland. This exploration is centered around exchanges between three pivotal figures and their urban creations: Heikki von Hertzen with the Garden City of Tapiola in Finland, and Robert E. Simon, Jr. and James W. Rouse with Reston (Va) and Columbia (Md) in the United States. These interactions occurred against the backdrop of American "fennophilia" that emerged in the early '50s, initially with furniture and decor, and later with architecture, notably through the contributions of the Saarinen family in North America.The Garden City of Tapiola, initiated in 1951, was introduced to the American audience years later, primarily through journalists and notably via the 1967 R. S. Reynolds Memorial Award for Community Architecture, sponsored by the aluminum company. This accolade provided its creator with prestigious recognition and the opportunity to travel globally, including visits to the United States, where he engaged with the masterminds behind the American new towns of Reston (1961) and Columbia (1963). These interactions, sustained throughout the evolution of these new towns, often transcended mere architectural and urban inspirations. They positioned Heikki von Hertzen as a frequent consultant for numerous urban projects in the United States.For this research, our primary sources will be the archives of the city of Reston, located at George Mason University (Va), and the Columbia archives located at the Columbia Association (Md). These archives offer a rich collection of promotional materials and correspondences between the various stakeholders of the new towns.

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