The study of the genesis of novel mathematical and mechanical theories provides an inspiration for future original research

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Mario Spagnuolo et al., « The study of the genesis of novel mathematical and mechanical theories provides an inspiration for future original research », HAL-SHS : histoire, philosophie et sociologie des sciences et des techniques, ID : 10.1007/978-3-030-80550-0_1


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In this introductory chapter we present the motivations that prompted the authors and editors to work on this volume. The fil rouge followed in the discussion presented below is based on the following consideration: the study of the genesis of mathematical and mechanical theories does not have a merely philological purpose, but can influence and even inspire the development of new original ideas. We present some examples that clarify our thesis: the development of the model of planetary motion and a historical-critical study of the development of Continuum Mechanics. Clearly understanding the main errors and misunderstandings that other than pure research logics have introduced in the scientific discussion is the only way to learn a serious and rigorous approach to Science. An idea that has guided us in the development of this chapter is that fragmentation of culture brings to inability to deal with complexity. The only way to study and, above all, understand the complexity of our world is through a unified vision of knowledge.

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