DISCOvering Spanish Sonnets: A Circular Reading Experience

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19 décembre 2022


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Helena Bermúdez Sabel et al., « DISCOvering Spanish Sonnets: A Circular Reading Experience », HAL-SHS : littérature, ID : 10.1515/9783110781502-004


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With DISCO, theDIachronic Spanish Sonnet COrpus, we collected 4,085sonnets written from the fiftheenth to nineteenth centuries, including canonicaland lesser-studied authors from both Spain and Latin-America, with detailed au-thor metadata, metrics, rhyme scheme, and enjambment annotations. The data-set is available in public repositories, offered in plain text and TEI, and enrichedwith RDFa, a linked data format. The corpus was intended for research andteaching, as well as for non-specialist use. Some questions naturally emerge:How can we easily navigate this corpus and its rich metadata? How can we iden-tify trends using its annotations? How can users not proficient in XML query lan-guages and linked data benefit from such a dataset? To address these issues, wehave created DISCOver, a user-friendly web interface that allows users to explorethe DISCO corpus. It was conceived as a means to help students, researchers,and general readers, making the corpus accessible to a wider audience. The inter-face displays literary annotations in individual texts as well as quantitative dataon user-defined subcorpora. In turn, from the aggregated data, we can go back tothe texts on which the data are based. Thus, the interface helps us to assess thefeatures of individual texts in the context of quantitative data about larger partsof the corpus and vice-versa. It also helps us to nuance hypotheses based on ag-gregated data by consulting the texts from which they are derived.

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