Charles Le Brun architecte. Ses projets pour des maîtres-autels d'églises parisiennes, entre ambitions artistiques et stratégies de carrière

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Anne Le Pas De Sécheval, « Charles Le Brun architecte. Ses projets pour des maîtres-autels d'églises parisiennes, entre ambitions artistiques et stratégies de carrière », HAL-SHS : histoire de l'art, ID : 10670/1.8nw4ae


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The article discusses Charles Le Brun, a seventeenth-century French painter and art theorist who worked for French King Louis XIV, focusing on his work designing altars for churches in Paris, France. It examines his designs for altars in the church of the Grands-Augustins, the church of Saint-Séverin, and the chapel of the University of Paris-Sorbonne. The author also comments on Le Brun's architectural influence and reflects on the context of his artistic ambitions as well as his career strategies.

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