An exploration of the relationship between continuous assessment and resource use in a service mathematics module

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6 février 2019

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Emma Howard et al., « An exploration of the relationship between continuous assessment and resource use in a service mathematics module », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.8p5qdq


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Previous research has shown that students’ use of module resources strongly relates to the timing of the module’s continuous assessment. In our case study of a large first-year mathematics module for Business students, Maths for Business, we examine this relationship and the resources relied on by students for completing their continuous assessment. In Maths for Business, students have the choice of using live lectures or online videos or a combination of both. We find that students who incorporate lectures into their approach engage consistently throughout each week with module resources, while others adopt a just-in-time approach for each weekly quiz. We also show that the introduction of remediation of quizzes can boost participation with resources, in particular feedback resources.

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