Preservice teachers' interest and self-efficacy beliefs while posing problems

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2 février 2022

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Janina Krawitz et al., « Preservice teachers' interest and self-efficacy beliefs while posing problems », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.9012jh


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Problem posing is considered to have great potential to foster students' motivation because it provides the opportunity to create problems on the basis of individual interests and abilities. However, whether learners indeed use this opportunity is an open question. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of interest and self-efficacy expectations in problem posing. In interviews, we asked preservice teachers (N = 7) why they decided to pose a certain problem, and we focused on their interest and self-efficacy expectations when we analyzed the data. The most important factor was preservice teachers' interest in the answer to the posed problem. Self-efficacy expectations have been also revealed as important for their decision to pose a certain problem. Preservice teachers wanted to be able to solve the problem or to master problem posing by posing multiple problems or a problem with adequate difficulty.

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