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Bernard Flusin, « Yizhar Hirschfeld, The Early Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet ed-Deir in the Judaean Desert: The Excavations in 1981-1987, With contributions by R. Barkay, R. Ben-Arieh, R. Calderon, E. Cohen, L. Di Segni, L. Habas, R. Talgam », Revue des études byzantines (documents), ID : 10670/1.90a1dc...
Flusin Bernard. Yizhar Hirschfeld, The Early Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet ed-Deir in the Judaean Desert: The Excavations in 1981-1987, With contributions by R. Barkay, R. Ben-Arieh, R. Calderon, E. Cohen, L. Di Segni, L. Habas, R. Talgam. In: Revue des études byzantines, tome 59, 2001. pp. 278-279.