Stone Materials, Processes, and Mortars in Archaeoseismology Studies: The Case of Mugello (Tuscany-Italy)

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Andrea Arrighetti et al., « Stone Materials, Processes, and Mortars in Archaeoseismology Studies: The Case of Mugello (Tuscany-Italy) », HAL-SHS : archéologie, ID : 10.1007/978-3-031-28303-1_1


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Mugello is an intermontane basin with medium-high seismic risk located in the Apennine Mountains on the border between Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. The territory is characterized by numerous long-lasting settlements which comprise well-preserved historical buildings. Between 2010 and 2014, an area of Mugello was involved in the project “Archaeology of architecture and seismic risk in Mugello”, research focused on evaluating the archaeological analysis process as a form of prevention and protection of mediaeval buildings from seismic risk. This research describes the central role played by the study of the provenance, processing, and installation of the stone materials used for the construction and modification of architectural structures during the period twelfth to the twentieth century. It also illustrates the potential that the study of bedding mortars can have in archaeoseismology. These materials contain much technical information, starting from the raw materials used for their realization (stone for the production of lime, aggregate) to arrive at the mix design (binder/aggregate ratio, quantity of water). Therefore, their study makes it possible to contribute to distinguish and characterize masonries even when they are built using the same type of stone material and with similar processing and finishing

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