La ESCAADER: dos décadas de experiencia en la formación de profesionales.

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Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios

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Maria Concepción Mazo Sandoval et al., « La ESCAADER: dos décadas de experiencia en la formación de profesionales. », Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios, ID : 10670/1.98kzuh


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"The academic experience of Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa in area of agribusiness anddisciplines administration has been since 1982 an related experience of vanguard educationnational wide.In spite of the economical shortage, the group of investigating teachers, founders of this college,make a strong effort to consolidate in two decades an institution which has been advancing andconsolidating it?s link with the regional productive area in the influencing area of location ofthis educative institution. Those who know their history, acknowledge their perseverance and talent to look for educativeoptions that will help the new generations of students in the agribusiness social-economicaldisciplines. Because we consider it very interesting for the knowledge of our associates andthose studying the agribusiness administration national wide, we are including this essay of theexperience of ESCAADER."

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