The Context Dependency of Lean Product Development Barriers and Success Factors, a Literature Review

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20 mars 2024

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Maéva Jaffré et al., « The Context Dependency of Lean Product Development Barriers and Success Factors, a Literature Review », HAL-SHS : droit et gestion, ID : 10.1142/S0219877024500330


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There is no consensus in the literature on how to apply Lean Product Development (LPD) successfully. This paper presents a literature review aiming to fill this gap. The key success factors in and barriers to successful implementation of LPD were gathered and categorized by means of a thematic reading. The question of the context’s influence on these factors is also posed, and a proposition is made to prioritize the notion of configurations rather than frameworks. From an academic perspective, this research gives an overview of the LPD implementation’s key factors and opens up a discussion on the pertinence of the notion of framework in this field. On the practitioner side, this paper helps organizations to reflect on the main factors to consider when implementing LPD.

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