Post-Covid-19: What prevents the recovery of the Stone Forest-type enterprises in the Andean zone, in the case of the Apurimac region?

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1 décembre 2023

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Felipe Rafael Valle Díaz, « Post-Covid-19: What prevents the recovery of the Stone Forest-type enterprises in the Andean zone, in the case of the Apurimac region? », Revista Interamericana de Ambiente y Turismo, ID : 10670/1.9e2cfc


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The purpose of the study was to analyze the ecotourism resources of the Ccenhua and Llamcama Stone Forest type, located in the Apurímac region, provinces of Chincheros and Andahuaylas. The objective was to describe and argue the barriers that prevent the recovery of Stone Forest type enterprises in the Peruvian Andean zone. Located in the qualitative approach, basic type, case study design. The sample was physical spaces with shapes in the rocks, caused by wind and water forces with native flora and fauna, presenting a differentiated landscape, minimally altered by the anthropic factor. The barriers are: a) the aversion of the members of the farming community to strengthening greater business opportunities and developing the ecotourism resource; b) ecological economic zoning, which could support the use of tourist resources, with various limitations; c) the business culture of the tour operators, regarding maintaining the organization and adapting to the trends in the nearby support plant, d) the inclination towards informal mining for income and complement for tourist activity, e) at a strategic level and tactical, the moderate importance of developing the tourism sector in its types from regional and local intervention policies and projects. The consequences are: a) the oblivion and progressive deterioration of the ventures in ecotourism circuits, disappearing demand, b) dead capital, due to the failure to develop the ecotourism circuit, c) strengthening of poverty in the territories where the venture existed. ecotouristic.

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