Conflictos socioambientales en Antioquia tras la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz. Entre la construcción de la paz territorial y de la paz ambiental

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1 décembre 2020

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Anna María Franco Gantiva, « Conflictos socioambientales en Antioquia tras la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz. Entre la construcción de la paz territorial y de la paz ambiental », Estudios Políticos, ID : 10670/1.9fa2f9


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The implementation of the Action Plan for Regional Transformation (PATR) in Uraba, Bajo Cauca and the Northeast regions of Antioquia have been characterized as one of the most violent historically. Most of their municipalities have a high climatic change risk, due to the illegal extraction of minerals, socio-environmental conflicts associated with the use of the territory and high levels of multidimensional poverty in rural areas. These conditions increase the climatic vulnerability of communities. The main question addressed by this article is: How does the implementation of Point 1, of the Peace Agreement, influence the adaptation to climate change in the PATR sub-regions? The answer relies upon the participative construction of the Development Programs with a Territorial Approach (PDET) and the final initiatives established in the PATR, that aim at the construction of peace in the territory, and work as strategies CbA and EbA, that further the construction of environmental peace. Nevertheless, its implementation has been slow and paralized bringing as a possible result an early failure, mostly in the Bajo Cauca region.

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