Politics of Enmity

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restrictedAccess , ARR , Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju

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Enmity Hostile behavior

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Gazela Pudar Draško et al., « Politics of Enmity », Repository of Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University in Belgrade, ID : 10670/1.9tap00


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This volume attempts contribute to the discussion about the nation, nationalism and its inevitable attendant, enmity. In what sense have friendship and hostility (Schmitt 1996, Derrida 1994, Bojanić 1995; 2015) gained new meanings, and what would those meanings be? Does nation-building always involve a common enemy one has to fight? Or does it meet its limits with being a mere remedy for contemporary forms of inequality, or a tranquilizer for those unsettled by the complexity and insecurity brought up by globalized capitalism? These questions become increasingly important as we witness the crisis of the collectivity-building process of the European Union. Do the contemporary politics of difference contest the notion of enmity or, quite to the contrary, reaffirm it?

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