Literary-theoretical Azerbaijani intellectuals' engagement with Turkish literature at the beginning of the XX century

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1 avril 2024

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Yunusova Gunel Kamil gizi, « Literary-theoretical Azerbaijani intellectuals' engagement with Turkish literature at the beginning of the XX century », Revista Universidad y Sociedad, ID : 10670/1.9z4s6w


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The goal of this research is to delve into the burgeoning interest in Ottoman-Turkish literature within Azerbaijan's literary and cultural milieu at the dawn of the 20th century. It is scrutinized how Azerbaijani intellectuals, notably poets and writers like Huseyn Javid, Mohammad Hadi, Abbas Sahhat, Abdulla Shaiq, Firidun Kocherli, Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh, Abdulla Sur, and others, who played pivotal roles in promoting Turkish literature. Their artistic endeavors were complemented by proactive efforts to elevate Turkish literary works, evident in their publications, newspapers, magazines, and literary discourses. The article dissected their perspectives on Turkish literature, dissecting various themes, individual artists, and creative exemplars. These viewpoints, widely disseminated in early 20th-century media and literary texts, underscored the profound influence of Turkish literature on Azerbaijani literary thought. Ultimately, the study revealed that Azerbaijani writers and poets' discussions on Ottoman literature exerted a twofold impact. Firstly, they acquainted Azerbaijani readers with Turkish literary heritage, fostering cross-cultural understanding. Secondly, they catalyzed the intellectual renaissance and spurred the emergence of new literary paradigms within Azerbaijan's literary landscape. Thus, these intellectual exchanges facilitated a rich literary dialogue between Azerbaijani and Turkish literary traditions, enriching both cultural spheres.

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