Rapport II.12. Assisted draught cooling tower - Ince "B" Power Station.

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B. R. Gardner et al., « Rapport II.12. Assisted draught cooling tower - Ince "B" Power Station. », Journées de l'hydraulique, ID : 10670/1.a4inx7


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Assisted draught cooling tower - INCE ‘B’ Power Station. Public awareness of the existence of inland generating stations is frequently heightened by the visual impact of large cooling tower installations. The Central Electricity Generating Board is conscious of this fact, and, with the public interest in mind, has, in recent years, devoted considerable research to the development of advanced cooling tower systems capable of producing substantial improvements in visual amenity at future generating station localities. A description is given of the work carried out by the Central Electricity Research Laboratories to enable more-compact cooling tower installations to be specified, which has culminated in the design and construction supervision of a 1000 MW(e) assisted draught cooling tower at Ince "B" Generating Station by the CEGB Generation Development and Construction Division. The paper also describes the technique employed in carrying out full scale acceptance tests on the axial flow fan units.

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