A practical approach for gender- and diversity-informed geomedia education for teachers in training. GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2016, Volume 1 – open:spatial:interfaces|

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13 février 2019

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Helena Atteneder et al., « A practical approach for gender- and diversity-informed geomedia education for teachers in training. GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2016, Volume 1 – open:spatial:interfaces| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10670/1.a5yfr6


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At the University of Salzburg, a new module links science topics, pedagogy and school practice for students in teacher-training. In a pilot project within this module, an iterative process of curriculum development for the topic of gendered spaces in the city was developed. The approach is based on everyday geomedia use and its implications for the construction of feminine/masculine spaces. This paper reports on the process of linking scientists, student teachers and secondaryschool students, both showing the feasibility of the approach and giving indications of its effectiveness with regard to diversity-sensitive learning.

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