Efficiency, planning and good management, determining factors for a greater equity on health care expenses: the experience from the program family health strategy in Brazil

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1 juin 2024

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Luiz Oscar Machado Martins et al., « Efficiency, planning and good management, determining factors for a greater equity on health care expenses: the experience from the program family health strategy in Brazil », Acta bioethica, ID : 10670/1.a67uin


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: The present work presents as a research problem the importance of efficiency, planning, and principles of good management aiming at capillarity and equity to generate greater access and quality of services. The objective of this article was to identify the expansion of the Family Health Strategy in Brazil between 2007 and 2020, and which variables may explain this evolution. This is a descriptive, ecological research, developed between 2007 and 2020 in Brazil; its variable of interest was the estimated population coverage of this strategy (%). An increase in the coverage of the Family Health Strategy was observed in all regions of Brazil between 2007 and 2020, especially in the Northeast region. At the state level, this coverage showed a significant positive relationship with the following variables: towns with fewer than 40,000 inhabitants and monthly income inferior to half a minimum salary. The Brazilian version of the Family Health Strategy seeks inspiration from the best and most successful health models to achieve high performance and efficiency to provide equity and access to health services.

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