OpenMethods introduction to: OpenMethods Spotlights #3 Keeping a smart diary of research processes with NeMO and the Scholarly Ontology

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Erzsebet Tóth-Czifra, « OpenMethods introduction to: OpenMethods Spotlights #3 Keeping a smart diary of research processes with NeMO and the Scholarly Ontology », OpenMethods: Highlighting Digital Humanities Methods and Tools, ID : 10670/1.a6vo9u


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In the next episode, we are looking behind the scenes of two ontologies: NeMO and the Scholarly Ontology (SO) with Panos Constantopoulos and Vayianos Pertsas who tell us the story behind these ontologies and explain how they can be used to ease or upcycle your daily works as a researcher. We discuss the value of knowledge graphs, how NeMO and SO connect with the emerging DH ontology landscape and beyond, why Open Access is a precondition of populating them, the Greek DH landscape …and many more!

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