On the Cyclotron Maser Instability in magnetospheres of Hot Jupiters - Influence of ionosphere models. Planetary Radio Emissions|PLANETARY RADIO EMISSIONS VIII 8|

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16 août 2018

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« On the Cyclotron Maser Instability in magnetospheres of Hot Jupiters - Influence of ionosphere models. Planetary Radio Emissions|PLANETARY RADIO EMISSIONS VIII 8| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10.1553/PRE8s317


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A study of the plasma conditions in the atmosphere and ionosphere of the Hot Jupiter HD 209458b and for an HD 209458b-like planet at orbit locations of 0.2– 1 AU around a Sun-like star is presented. It is discussed how these conditions influence the radio emission expected from the planet’s magnetosphere. We find that the cyclotron maser instability (CMI) most likely will not operate at Hot Jupiters. It is found that close–in gas giants possess hydrodynamically expanding atmospheres and extended ionospheres with too high plasma densities within their magnetospheres, i.e. the plasma frequency is much higher than the cyclotron frequency, which is a contradiction to the necessary condition for the production of radio emission and also prevents the escape of radio waves for close–in extrasolar planets at distances

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