Public health, private approach: The Global Fund and the involvement of private actors in global health (eng)

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10 octobre 2019

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Stéphanie TCHIOMBIANO, « Public health, private approach: The Global Fund and the involvement of private actors in global health (eng) », Face à face, ID : 10670/1.b12wio


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Executive Summary: The Global Fund, a financial instrument created to mobilize, manage and distribute funds dedicated to the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, is a perfect illustration of the recent reconfiguration of the international health system and the emergence, since the end of the twentieth century, of international "public/private partnerships". What place do private sector actors really occupy within the organization, and to what extent does this participation change, or not, the way the Global Fund operates? This article first describes and analyses the role played by private actors within the Global Fund, from defining institutional strategies to monitoring the successful implementation of grants. The second part of the text deals with the process of the Global Fund's appropriation of private sector logics and methods in the implementation of its own tools and working methods.

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