The forms and Mechanisms of Consolidation (Cooperation) of the Armeniancy’s Confessional Segments

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9 décembre 2011

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Arestakes Simavoryan et al., « The forms and Mechanisms of Consolidation (Cooperation) of the Armeniancy’s Confessional Segments », HAL-SHS : histoire des religions, ID : 10670/1.b2ojj7


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One of the main objectives for studying the confessional strata of the Armeniancyis to develop effective mechanisms for consolidation of the nationalpotential. This is a particularly urgent matter for Diaspora, as facing its challengesimplies combination of all-national efforts. Hence, creating an environmentof effective cooperation between Armenian Apostolic, Catholic andEvangelical Armenian communities abroad is an imperative for survival anddevelopment of these communities.The problem of finding pathways to inter-confessional solidarity in Diasporahas both theoretical and practical dimensions. Therefore, consolidationof the national potential implies unification of different confessional segmentsof the Armeniancy, as well as development and implementation of effectivetheoretical and practical means for bringing them to a single unified nationalground. There are two aspects in this problem.1. Refuting the fragmentation. This means rejecting or at least pushing tothe backburner any ideas and factors that by some criteria (in this case,by religious and confessional ones) divide the Armeniancy or set Armeniansagainst each other.

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