How creativity comes out of the blue

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Marine Agogue et al., « How creativity comes out of the blue », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.bd7ec2...


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Creative thinking is not always a flawless process and obstacles can constrain the ability ofindividuals, teams and firms to come up with creative ideas. This paper aims at investigatingphysical factors influencing individual creativity in the early phases of product development. Specifically, we conducted an experiment to explore the potential of blue to nudge individual creativity during an ideation session. We show that 1/ putting individuals in a blue environment has a positive influence on their performance to a creativity task, and that 2/ thisinfluence is mediated by mood. Specifically, blue makes people experience pleasantness, which makes them more creative. Besides, we show that this emotional route is even moreinfluent when individuals feel activated, which both replicates and extends the literature onthe influence of mood on individual creativity.

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